Thursday, April 4, 2013

English Assignment for April 4, 2013

Before you begin your assignment for today (Thursday), you need to make sure you complete your work from yesterday (Wednesday). Take a look at the grade book to see if you've completed both assignments from yesterday.

If you need to complete the assignment #1, click here and follow the directions.

If you need to complete assignment #2, click here and use "The Making of a Scientist" to answer.

Both of these assignments are directly related to the upcoming Common Core State Test and will help prepare you to pass that exam.

Today's assignment is available by clicking on this link. Use "The Making of a Scientist" to answer these questions. Even though the boxes on the form look fairly small, your answers to these question should be longer, essay-style answers. This means you should have more than two paragraphs, and you should use RACE. To earn a four, use the "Exemplary Answers" strategies that we've discussed in class.


here's another picture of Lisa!

1 comment:

  1. whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo whats that
